
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Our Eyes are Upon Thee

In life we all go through trails. But how we deal with them is what really matters. I was reading in 2 Chronicles 20, last night, and I realized some things. When Jehoshaphat had a problem, he turned to the Most High. The example he set is one that can bless us when we are going through life's trials.

...Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord... {vs 3}

Jehoshaphat got everyone together, stood before the Lord, and he 
-Praised the Lord {vs 6-7}
-Thanked the Lord and claimed promises from the Lord {vs 8-9}
-Pleaded with the Lord for help {vs 10-12}

He didn't go to the Lord with an ego, or pride. He didn't blame the Lord. Instead is trusted in Him! The end of verse 12 he says "neither know we what to do: our eyes are upon thee." He was totally surrendered to the Lord. How often when we are in times of turmoil do we have pity parties or let it rattle our trust? I know I am completely guilty of that! But not Jehoshaphat. He fixed his eyes, just as we should, on the God of the universe. 

Not only did he fix his eyes. He included all of Judah, even wives and children! {vs 13} We like wise should include our children. Don't be afraid to share the truth with them so that they may pray and have their faith strengthened! 

Once all this happened, God appeared. What He said totally changed me...

"Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's....Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you..." {vs 15 & 17}

That may not be the case for every battle we go through. There will be times we need to act. But more often than not the things we worry most about, are out of our hands! I know when things seem overwhelming to me I loose complete sight of all that God has previously done for me. I get panicky and fearful. But it's in those times that the Lord says, stand ye still. Because it is His battle, His name on the line. If you are His child and are called according to His purpose, then there is no need to worry. Because He will work it all out for good, for His glory! {Rom 8:28}

There is freedom there!!Don't allow the enemy to steal your peace! If you are worrying about something, or afraid, set your eyes upon your Redeemer. Fix your eyes on Him and stand ye still. He will not fail you. 

...Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established... -2 Chron 20:20

Friday, June 5, 2015


Sanctification is defined as being made holy, or separated unto God. But depending on what Christian denomination you belong to the way that "looks" varies. 

Should that be the case? Should holiness look different depending on what label we give ourselves or should it look the same across the board? I think it should look the same. If we're all using the same Book and believing in the same God then it should be the same holiness. 

I think the disconnect comes from where we get our definition of holiness. Many times we read into scripture and say well it should be this or that, and we explain away scripture that is clear as day.

That should not be so. We should be clinging to the Word and seeking to be transformed by the Ruach HaKodesh {Holy Spirit} not by what is acceptable in our church. 

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:1-2

Just an example... I was convicted of wearing a headcovering 4 years ago. When I began covering my hair no one in my church did it. I did not think (and still do not think) that I am holier than them or anyone else. BUT I did listen to the Ruach when I was lead in that direction. Even though I was counter cultural, and was doing something my congregation did not do. But it wasn't about the approval of other people. It was about what the Lord had shown me and my being diligent to do all that He has called me to do. 

Maybe there is something that the Lord is calling you to. Something that is different from what everyone around you is doing. That is the point of sanctification! That you are different from those around you. That you are set apart unto the Lord, and are conformed to HIS image. 

It's not always an easy process, ok I'll be honest it's rarely ever an easy process. The flesh wants to kick and scream and do what it wills. But when we as believers submit ourselves to the Lord and we do as HE asks us we will be all the better for it. 

Sanctification comes after salvation. So once we repent and decide to become a child of the Most High then we need to look and act like one of His children. 

When a family adopts a child they don't hold that child to different standards. That child is now a real part of the family and the same expectations that are placed on any other children, are placed on that child as well. It's just the same for us as believers. While the He my lead us at different times, we should all be headed in the same direction.

So as you are studying and praying, ask the Father to give you a heart for what He loves. Ask for Him to help you to behave as His child.