
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The begining of a journey....

Hello all! I decided to create this blog because a. I felt moved to do something to share my love of the LORD and b. I needed a way to vent lol

Thus Herein is Love was born. I think 1 John4:10 is a BEAUTIFUL verse (all of 1 Johns 4 is great actually) and something about it spoke to me. Actually I prayed on what the name of my blog should be and the Lord led me to it. Praise God for His wonderful way of making things come together!

I am a newly saved Christian (Nov. 15th 2009 day I got saved!)and am learning a lot from my Bible, and the people around me. I will post my testimony at a later date. Since I've been saved I've been active in my local church and have grown leaps and bounds in my faith. I have a great Pastor (and Pastor's Wife) who help me in every area of my life and I thank God for them!

Prior to being saved I gave birth to a wonderful little girl who is now just about 14 Months old. Her name is Amina Ivy, and you will read a lot about her, she's obviously a huge part of my life. Although I am not married (yet) since coming to the Lord I have repented (actually changed not just confessed) from my old ways and am trying to do right. I'm not perfect but I try to do all things to glorify GOD. first order of business was not living with my significant other (S/O for all future posts) that decision has been rough so I'm sure there will be many posts on that as well. Choosing to do the right thing seems so much harder then giving in to the wrong thing.

My goal is not to condemn others but simply to share what I have learned and maybe encourage a few others to get saved as well!

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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24