
Sunday, January 24, 2010


S/O brought me a sewing machine as a new years gift! What a blessing! I've always wanted to sew but never had anyone to really help me or teach me. Now I have a really good friend who sews and is willing to help me! God really knows how to work things out!

But all this excitement has led me to another question. Should I only make my clothes? Or should I make dresses and buy dresses? Proverbs 31 discusses a virtuous woman and states "19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff." Which is speaking to sewing to the best of my understanding. So does that mean a virtuous woman should sew? Most of the ladies in my church sew but I don't think they sew exclusively. By sewing though we can have complete control over everything (like I don't like splits and if I make my dresses I don't have to worry about it). This is something that is on my heart currently and I plan to continue to take this to the Lord in prayer. Currently I'm working on a skirt and when its done i'll post pics of it and I will also keep up to date on the conclusion the Lord leads me to on this matter.

*Thanks S/O for helping to fulfill a dream!

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