
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What we ought do

I was so looking forward to Ground hog's day this year. I know the weather is in God's hands, but, I'm ready for spring! I've been counting down, and getting all worked up, yet, the groundhog saw his shadow! Which means six more weeks of winter. I am not happy about this! I so desperately wanted it to be spring already, but I guess I'll have to wait. There is, actually, a lot to enjoy about the winter. The other day while driving down he highway I saw a deer. Also one morning as I was driving I noticed the bare trees were gently coated in snow making the street look like a picture from a wintry post card! I love all the beauty God has placed before us (well maybe not pigeons and seagulls but most things). It's not always easy to stop and smell the roses per say, but I think the trick is in prioritising. We make time for the things we want to do but what about the things we ought to do? This is a struggle for me but I'm working on it. I purchased planners so S/O and I could thoroughly plan out our bible reading schedules and have something to help to keep us accountable. I've also started keeping a master planner for all things and I try to use my Homemakers Binder as my go to source but since we live in different locations its not always so easy. I'm working on making my binder more practical for our circumstances but its a real process. But all of these organizational things are to help me prioritize. I need to makes sure that I'm putting God first and including Him in all that I do. So no matter where I am or what I'm doing God gets the glory! Because that is what I ought to do.

Psalm 29:2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

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