
Saturday, April 3, 2010


Praise GOD! the weather is finally warming up! I love spring! It's such an awesome time to sit back and reflect on the love of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! This Resurrection Sunday I have a lot to be thankful for! Not only am I thankful for the work that was done on the cross but I am thankful for being ENGAGED! I am very pleased to announce that S/O is now my Fiance! We have set the date for October 2, 2010. This is such a joyous and busy time for me. I'm trying to train my daughter and teach her about why this time of year means so much to us as Christians and also not rob her of the fun of the season. She is only 16 months so she doesn't understand it all, but I think in the future we will focus on the beauty of spring and how God created it all! Also planning a wedding is A LOT of work! So much has gone on and I want to fill you in on every little detail but its too much to even begin. Although I haven't been posting I have still been loving the Lord. my only access to the Internet is through my Blackberry so unless I can get on to my moms it will still be a bit difficult to post but I'll be working on it. Until next time.

Miss T

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