
Friday, October 22, 2010

Life as I now know it...

WOW! It's been awhile. Time just seemed to slip away from me. Preparing for this baby, raising my daughter, taking care of my home, taking care of my husband, it just all never seems to end! But it is joyous "work" and it is the life that I believe the Lord would have me lead. We've got a schedule that works for us currently and things are moving a long pretty smoothly. This life is so different from what I had imagined as a child, even as a teen. I could of never known what the Lord had in store for me, but I'm letting Him lead and it has been beautiful so far.

We recently started a free month trial of Netflix. That has been SUCH a blessing. I was previously struggling with things to watch with and around my daughter that fit our standards. Now we have variety of movies and shows we can watch instantly as well as things we can order through the mail. I highly recommend getting it for anyone who struggles with finding wholesome things to watch.

Well, I was hoping to get in a longer post but I really need to tend to somethings before the sun goes down. I pray that you all have a blessed Shabbat and that the peace of the Lord be with you!

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