
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So the challenge is over! How did it go? I definitely felt like I grew closer to my husband during this time. Being in prayer for him daily really made a difference to our relationship! I plan to continue to pray for him daily and specifically. It's one thing to make mention of him in my prayers but a whole other thing to set a side time to only pray for him and his needs. I also wanted to add that if you aren't married you could still benefit from this exercise, just think how blessed some young man would be by the prayers of his future wife :o)

In other news, I had my baby!!! We're so very excited. I may be away for a little bit but I plan to get my birth story up soon as well as what's been happening with me regarding headcovering! YHVH has truly been working on me. In the mean time you can find out more about the last few weeks of my pregnancy and the baby at my other blog: My soul waiteth...


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