
Friday, March 11, 2011

Preparation Day!

lyrics and translation from hebrew songs 

Shamor  vezachor bedibur echad                           Guard and remember in a single utterance
Hishmi’anu El hameyuchad                                    We were made to hear by the unifying God*
HaShem echad ush’ma echad                               God is One and His name is One
Leshem uletif’eret velitehilah                                  For His name for glory and praise

Lechah dodi, likarat kalah                        Come my lover to welcome the Shabat  (referred to as the bride)
Penei shabat nekabelah                                            We will welcome Shabat

Hitoreri, hitoreri                                                       Wake up, wake up
Ki ba orech, kumi uri                                               Your light is coming, rise up and shine*
Uri, uri, shir daberi                                                   Wake up, wake up, and sing a song
Kevod HaShem alaich nig’lah                                   You saw the glory of God

Lechah dodi, likarat kalah                        Come my lover to welcome the Shabat  (referred to as the bride)
Penei shabat nekabelah                                            We will welcome Shabat

Boi beshalom ateret ba’alah                                      Enter in peace o crown of her husband
Gam besimchah uvetzahalah                                     Even in gladness and good cheer
Toch emunei am segulah                                          Among the faithful of the treasured nation
Boi Kalah, boi, kalah                                                 Enter o bride, enter o bride

Lechah dodi, likarat kalah                        Come my lover to welcome the Shabat  (referred to as the bride)
Penei shabat nekabelah                                            We will welcome Shabat

Lechah dodi, likarat kalah                        Come my lover to welcome the Shabat  (referred to as the bride) Penei shabat nekabelah                                                    We will welcome Shabat

(*wikipedia translation)

Shabbat Shalom!

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