
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


IT'S SPRING! YAY! I love spring (and fall) it's not too hot and not too cold. Everything feels just right! This spring its even more exciting because we're gearing up to celebrate the spring feasts! So I've decided to start a series called "Spring Has Sprung!" to highlight what we're doing around here for Spring. 

The First thing I'm supper excited to share is my indoor "garden" It's very small right now because this is our test run. I've never really grown anything but hubby and I think it would be really cool to grow our own food. Hopefully one day we will have tons of space to do so but right now we have to start small. Really small lol 
The small plant is strawberries and the larger one is tomatoes! :o)

Another project that hubby is working on is our bathroom. The tile floor was really a mess and needs to be replaced. But since we rent instead of doing all that hubs had a brilliant idea to make our bathroom BEAUTIFUL. I still need to find new curtains and such so when I do that I will update with the whole bathroom. 


This really is a great time of year! A time of renewal and fresh starts! Are you doing anything special for spring? 

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