
Monday, August 29, 2011

Our Anniversary Day!

The day started out slow and I was convinced it was going to be uneventful. We woke up to the tail end of the storm and were just extremely thankful to have power! Many in our area are still without power still today. YHVH really sparred us from the effects of the storm.

Once the storm was officially over, hubs made the decision for us to try to get to church if it was possible. So he called and the van was able to come pick us up! We needed a few things so he went out to get them and I got the girls ready to go. When hubs came back home he had some fresh picked flowers for me. :o) I love flowers.

Then we went to church and got to fellowship and get prayer over our marriage and our family. But even more exciting than that..... We signed our ketubah!!!! So exciting! Its all I really wanted for this anniversary!

First hubby :o)

Then me :o)
(we also had our pastor sign and two witnesses)

The way we designed it, we have on one side our vows to each other in poem form and then on the other side our actual personal vows that we wrote to each other.

Our vows:
I, *Husband*, promise to love, honor, and protect Tewauna all the days of my life. I promise to always lead her in truth and provide for her. I promise to always be understanding and compassionate putting her needs before my own desires. I promise to guide our family in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord. I will train up our children in the way they should go and love them unconditionally. I promise to remain faithful to her until the day of my death. Through the enabling grace of God I will carry out these promises.

I, Tewauna, promise to love, honor, and obey *Husband* submitting to him as unto the Lord, putting his needs before my own desires. I promise to be his confidant and helper in all things. I promise to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and to always give to my family with all my heart, mind, and soul. I promise to live out our marriage covenant until the day of my death, forsaking all others and giving myself only to him. These promises I will carry out through God’s enabling grace.

The other portion read:
I join you to me forever. I join you to me in everlasting faithfulness. I will be your loving friend as you are mine. Set me as a seal upon your heart, like the seal upon your hand, for love is stronger than death. And I will cherish you honor you, uphold and sustain you in all truth and sincerity.I will respect you and the divine image within you. I take you to be mine in love and tenderness. May my love for you last forever.May we be consecrated, one to the other, by these rings. Let our hearts be united in faith and hope. May our hearts beat as one in times of gladness as in times of saddness. Let our home be built on The Word of God and loving-kindness. May our home be rich in wisdom and reverence.

And here is a picture of our ketubah :o)

We had so much fun making this together and I'm just excited that we got to share the moment with our church family. Now to find a frame big enough....


  1. Your ketubah is so pretty! We have a small ketubah that our rabbi printed out for us on the day of our wedding, but we haven't gotten a big "official" one yet. Maybe something to think about for our 5-year anniversary. (We had our 2-year anniversary back in April.)

    I'm glad you all still have power!

  2. P.S. You are such a pretty bride as well! (At one year of marriage, you're still a bride, right?) You and your hubby look like children! :)

  3. Congratulations to you Both :)

  4. @Robyn lol I *think* I'm still a bride, and thank you! :o)

    @Renee thank you very much!

  5. Paula Clemons (plclemo)August 29, 2011 at 9:24 PM

    What a BEAUTIFUL way to celebrate an anniversary!!! God is truly in this marriage!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24