
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Shabbat Reflections

Our Sabbath Table on 8/19/11

These last few weeks we kind of got lazy and our Shabbat hasn't been what it should be. Not meaning that we didn't have Challah :o) but that we weren't truly focused on YHVH. We just kind of went through the motions and were trying to catch our breaths. Its hard to dive into things head first, and with out the proper foundation its easy to loose steam. We know why we keep the Sabbath, and follow YHVH's commands, but with out people around you to sharpen you it's like you feel alone and confused. It's like running a marathon with out pacing yourself, you end up with out enough energy to finish. But I want to finish the race! So we regrouped and now we're back at it!  This Shabbat I was able to discuss scripture with some friends, listen to some teachings, read, and spend time with my children. But more importantly I was able to connect with my Abba!

It was a MUCH MUCH MUCH needed break from a pretty dramaful week. My hubby was in car accident (he's fine Praise God!) but our car is wrecked. Our insurance is totally dragging their feet so we are car-less. But I won't get into it too much. If you think of us just please pray that we'll get this all sorted out soon and find a new vehicle that we can afford so hubs can get to work.

Although this Shabbat is over I pray that we can carry its Shalom with us into the week.

Picture I found on google :o)

Shavua Tov!


  1. Tewauna,
    Praise Yah taht your husband is fine.

    It IS so sweet to jump back into Abba's loving arms after we have let our minds lead us astray?! Praise Him for His Shabbat which is designed to help "recalibrate" us!

    I pray that your travel needs (and all tasks related) be met swifty.

    In Him, pamela

  2. We just decided to try to sell one of our cars (thus making us a one-car household). Too bad you guys live so far away!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24