
Thursday, March 29, 2012


Tuesday night I watched the season finale of 19 Kids and Counting. For those that don't know it's a reality show about a Christian family that has 19 children. The mother Mrs. Duggar just recently lost her 20th child at around 18 weeks gestation. 

This episode showed when they found out and the days leading up to it, as well as the days following and the funeral. It was all very, very sad, but I didn't walk away from the episode sad. I walked away so encouraged.
When they found out they lost the baby, Mrs. Duggar's reaction was the most amazing image of faith, and trust in God. The ultrasound technician told her there was no heart beat and she was shocked and said "oh no". Then when the technician was explaining what that meant and what she saw Mrs. Duggar said "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD!" 

After that they prayed, thanked, and praised the Lord for giving them the time that they had and for the children they have. She had a previous miscarriage over 20 years ago and she thanked the Lord for having that baby in heaven to be with this baby. It was all just so incredibly moving.
To see someone genuinely trust God that much encourages me to surrender the areas that I hold on to. To just put it all in His hands, because ultimately He knows best. 

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