
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Read the Bible in 90 Days!

I've seen so many read the bible in 90 day challenges, and I've always felt like it would just be too much! But lately I've been feeling like I need to read more than my usual 2-3 chapters a day. So I'm purposing to read through THE ENTIRE Bible in 90 days. But to make it more interesting I'm doing it chronologically!

I wasn't able to find a reading schedule for 90 days chronologically, so I took a year long one and condensed it. I'm making that document available to you so that if you would like to join in you can. A few of my friends are doing this with me and I think it will be a huge blessing.

You can start when ever you want, and if you miss a day don't beat your self up! It's not as much about finishing in 90 days as it's about just finishing. I'm so excited about doing this and would love to know if you are taking part in this also.

Any time I post about something the Lord is showing me while doing this reading plan, I'll post with this button and I would love it if you did as well. Also leave me a comment so I can come check out your blog! If you don't blog the leave a comment anyway, or even send me an email, I'd love to hear what the Lord is showing you!

Oh also the winner of the A Love that Multiplies book is.... Tammy C! Congrats!!!

I'm linking up with Women Living Well


  1. Tewauna, what a great idea. I really need to read my bible more. I am thinking of joining you. I will put your button in my friends page!!!!

  2. I'd love to try this sometime! Thanks.

    Come check out my list of 100 Smoothies! Comment if you'd like on which one is you favorite!

    Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  3. I love reading the Bible chronologically and have heard rave reviews about 90 day studies. This sounds great. Thanks for putting this together.


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24