
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Personal Revival!

I don't know about you, but I've been going through somethings and the Lord has brought me to a place of needing, and wanting, a revival! 

I've been doing my 90 day reading and the Lord has been showing me things that I need to correct and it's been such a blessing. I've also been listening to preaching and just getting fired up! 

Sometimes the routine of life can stomp that fire right out of you. But we need to maintain our first love! Revelation 2:4 says: "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." I don't want that to be me! So now I'm on a mission to get back to, and maintain, my first love: YHVH, THE ALMIGHTY GOD! 

This summer join me as we dig into the Word and get fired up for the Lord. Together we'll get a BIG vision of God, and come to a place where praise is continually on our tongues. 

We'll be starting on June 1st and I really want you to join me. We all need to get revived from time to time. So why not you, now!?

If you plan to join me this summer please leave a comment below so I can pray for you as we gear up for our Personal Revivals! If you're on twitter we'll be using the hashtag #SoakInTheSon and you can find me at @His_Rib. 


  1. I would love to join you! :)I'll be in prayer for you as well!

  2. Thank you Robin! Your prayers are much appreciated!

  3. I will join you and look forward to what we learn together!

  4. YAY! Thanks for joining in Tesha and Lexie!

  5. So excited your joining in Jess, now if only you'd move back home! I miss you!


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24