
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Praise Him Always

I hope that you all have been having a great week, and have some great praises to share! 

In my reading this week (not the 90 day plan) I came across a verse I wanted to share with you all: 
"I will go in the strength of the Lord God: I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only." -Psalm 71:16
This verse stood out to me for two different reasons. The first was the part that says that "I will make mention of thy righteousness". When I read that, my mind immediately went to praising God. He doesn't do things in our lives just because, He does them to show forth HIS righteousness so that we can tell others! We are supposed to be constantly bragging on the Lord. 

Doing that not only helps us to keep our eyes on the great things He is doing for us, but it also gives us a tool to draw in others. When we share our praises it makes others interested in learning more about our God who is so amazing and faithful to give us good things. But even more than that, when we brag on Him when things seem to be going bad that's an even bigger testament to His greatness. Doesn't He deserve at least that from us? 

The other thing that stood out to me was "I will go in the strength of the Lord God". -I know I'm backwards but hey sometimes God has to show us one thing so we'll be ready for the next regardless of the order we read it in- Anyway, that first part of this verse just really got me thinking on what it is the Lord calling me to do. We are all called to do something at different times. It doesn't have to be something extreme like to go to a different country and serve the people there. It can be something very small. 

For example this Sunday I was trying to take a nap, and the Lord placed a woman from our church on my heart. I don't talk to this woman often and to be honest I'm not 100% sure I even know her name. But He put it on my heart to pray for her. So I did. I prayed for everything I could think of: protection, encouragement, financial, physical, mental, spiritual, etc. Then when I was done I got a verse to share with her. So I wrote out a little note and told her what happened and that God gave me this verse to give her. I told her I don't know why or what it means but that I hope it helps. Well you know what? She needed that verse. She needed to be encouraged to continue on in her walk with the Lord. She told me she couldn't figure out why she was feeling a certain way but with the message our preacher gave and then my note she got it! Praise God! 

I was nervous to do it because, I don't know her that well and I didn't want to seem crazy. But I listened and was able to play a part in being a blessing to someone else. What is the Lord calling you to do? And are you willing to "go in the strength of the Lord God"?

Now for my praises from this week :o)

  • Getting to go strawberry picking
  • Our 17 month old sleeping through the night for a few days in a row!
  • My husband's vision of providing for his family
  • Great preaching
  • Meeting a few missionaries
  • My health
  • Being able to trust God with my fertility
  • Hearing my 3 year old sing about Jesus
  • Mommy group
  • Having a friend help me be able to go to mommy group
  • Getting a magazine in the mail from a friend looking to encourage me (thank you!)
  • Seeing God's provision
  • Family soul winning 
  • Having "Titus 2" women in my life

Please don't forget share a few of your praises in the comments section below. 

I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. -Psalm 9:1


  1. Love your praises! I shared my here

  2. My praise:

    New summer shoes. I was having actual foot pain when wearing my $2 Target flip-flops, so I knew I had to upgrade. :) Found a pair of shoes at the first store we went to at the outlets yesterday. Skechers. They were so comfortable I nearly couldn't contain myself. When I slip them on, I see a heavenly light and I'm surrounded by harp music. Kidding! But, I'm really thankful for something as simple as a pair of comfortable sandals.

  3. Love your blog! thank you for stopping by mine! So glad to have you in my life. Love, Mrs. Kelly Johnson


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24