
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Back Home!

The conference was great and now we're back home. I've never been to a conference like this one before, but I pray that the fire that was lit doesn't go out. There was so much truth given and I felt so encouraged. To be with so many other believers was awesome, but then add to that some solid Biblical preaching and boy oh boy, you've got a recipe for something AMAZING. God certainly met with us in that place!

I'm still trying to digest everything that I learned, so I won't be posting on the messages anytime soon. But I know that they will all be available to listen to soon online at

On the last night we were supposed to hear from two preachers. But that's not what the Lord wanted. Instead we ended up having family prayer time, heard songs about family, and prayed over families. It was so moving. After we finished praying, Bro. Trieber preached on family from Jeremiah 14. The key verse was verse 3 "And their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters: they came to the pits, and found no water; they returned with their vessels empty; they were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads."

The reason there was no water for the little ones was because of the drought. Well scripture tells us that a drought (or a dearth) is a judgement of the Lord. There was a drought because the people (God's people) relished in their iniquity and refused to hear the Word of God. The people weren't living holy lives. But holy living is what keeps water in the well! Yielding to the Spirit, obeying  God, those things put (and keep) water in the well. So we as parents (or grandparents) need to be making sure that we do all that we can to keep the wells full so that our children and grandchildren will not have to suffer a drought at the judgement of God. 

Talk about convicting! And that was just an hour or so out of the whole conference! There was an abundance of Biblical wisdom available and it was a real blessing. The people of Solid Rock Baptist Church in Berlin, NJ have a real love for the Lord that spilled out onto all of those that were in attendance and it was AWESOME! 

Here are some pictures that really touched my heart from the last night.

Bro. Horton, who is 80 years old has been a preacher for 55 years,
speaking to the young men.  

All the kids and teens singing to the Lord! It was awesome! :o)
OH! I also have to share this with you! There was a young man at the conference named Travis Clark. He sang a song that we have been singing over here ever since. He did an amazing job! Unfortunately I didn't get to record him, but I did find him singing the song on youtube. So here it is, enjoy :o)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Shabbat Shalom

"Shabbos is designed not only for connecting with G-d but also for bonding with our mates and our families. It's not a Friday night out, it's not a movie, a ball game, or a shopping expedition that you need. What you need is a Shabbos night in that will connect you. When husband and wife have something meaningful to share with each other, their relationship is enhanced and solidified. When you sit around your Shabbos table in the glow of the Sabbath candlelight, singing songs, exchanging ideas, and relating with warmth and love, that is what will happen."
- Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, The Committed Marriage pg 138
I pray you have a blessed Sabbath, Shabbat Shalom

Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm Going to a Conference!

I'm finally getting to go to a conference and I'm so excited! My family and I will be attending the Northeast Vision Summit at Solid Rock Baptist Church in Berlin NJ. We weren't sure if we'd be able to go but through lots and lots of prayer and some serious intervention on God's part we'll be heading out on Tuesday!

I've heard so many miraculous stories of how the Lord has provided for people and I always thought "how cool would it be if God did that for me?" Now I'm not saying that God hasn't done many many amazing things for me but you know those stories when you realize that it has to be God? Well we had that happen to us. Our hotel has been provided and different people have just handed us envelopes of money to provide for our expenses to go! Have you ever been handed an envelope with $100 in it? Well before now, neither have I! My family is just so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us because we just know it is going to be AMAZING!

There will be some great preachers coming to the summit and I can't wait to hear what the Lord has to say through them. The main speakers will be Bro. Charles Clark Jr (Hosting Pastor), Bro. Doug Fisher, Bro. Jack Trieber, Bro. David Gibbs, and Bro. Paul Chappell. If you are located anywhere in the Northeast maybe you'd consider going. If you do go please contact me via twitter (@His_Rib) and maybe we can meet up.

Summit Promo 12 from Northeast Vision on Vimeo.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Romans 8 {part 1}

These last few weeks the Lord has had me reading, and re-reading, Romans 8. It seems like every time I read it I get something new. So I figured why not share with you all what the Lord has been revealing to me in my quiet time. 

Let's start with the first few verses:

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Something so amazing is revealed in these four verses. We are told that the law (Mosaic Law) was weak because it had to be fulfilled in the flesh. As we know there are none righteous so to keep the law perfectly in your flesh is impossible. That's why there needed to be a sacrifice system for the Israelites to atone for their sins. But YHVH in His infinite love and mercy sent His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), to not only show us the pain of our sin but also (and more importantly) to redeem us from the price of our sin!  {For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23}

In verse 4 we find the crux of the matter. The law can't be fulfilled when we try to do it in our flesh, but it IS fulfilled in us when we walk after the Spirit. Do you see that? When we are asking the Lord to fill us and seeking His will in our lives we will have the law fulfilled in us. It's not that the law doesn't matter but rather that we can't and SHOULD NOT try to keep it in our flesh. It's impossible! As we learn to walk in the Spirit YHVH will be faithful to guide us and show us HIS truth. 

To me that is just the most amazing thing. Our Abba loves us so much that not only can we call Him Father, but He also lovingly teaches us just like a good father would teach his children. Gently training in love, yet being firm and just in his correction. The law was not made to be a burden but to be a guide to show us how badly we need GOD. Our Messiah HIMSELF said:

 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. -Matt 11:29-30

To me this is such a BEAUTIFUL picture of just how much we are loved by the Almighty. His standards did not change, just the way He teaches us has.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

An Update With Pictures!

These last two weeks have been very busy and exciting. Of course the week of the 4th of July we were busy with family at cookouts and fireworks. We had a fun week, although our oldest came down with a nasty stomach bug that had me pretty worried about her. But God is good and she's doing just fine.

Here are some photos from our time at the beach on the 3rd of July. It was so much fun! We generally don't go to the beach because of modesty issues but my dad has a friend who has private access to a local beach pretty much in his backyard! So every year we look forward to going over there so we can hang out at the beach for a little. Unfortunately it was kind of cool and low tide so we didn't go swimming. 

I made that cover up for my munchkin and she loved it!
awwww lol

Our 3 year old took this picture!
Future photographer maybe?? :o)

Happy Independence Day!

After all the celebrating and fun festivities were over it was time to get busy. My husband and I recently volunteered to help out with the teen nights at our church. It was an awesome experience the first time, I just fell in love with the girls, and decided this was something I definitely wanted to be a part of. They are so sweet and a lot of fun to hang out with. We meet with them once a month and were asked to speak with them this month. It was such a blessing and I spoke with the girls about how God loves us. :o)

The following week we jumped right in to help out with Neighborhood Vacation Bible Time. Usually we have Vacation Bible School at the church but this year it was decided to take Bible time to the kids! So we went to local parks and set up shop! It was AWESOME. We had two different sessions one in the morning in one town., and then another in a different town in the afternoon. We had a total of 86 kids between both sessions and we had 21 kids accept Jesus as their Savior! It was really a great experience, God really showed up. There was a school camp starting at the same time and we were nervous because we thought they might want us to leave. But instead they brought kids over to us! All of the days we were there different kids stopped by. Even if they didn't stay to participate in the program they were at least able to hear the Gospel! 

Arts and Crafts

Bible Time

Closing assembly

Nothing beats serving God! We were tired at the end of the day but the joy we had from serving others and doing the Lord's work is indescribable. 

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. -Matthew 9:37-38

I'm linking up with Women Living Well

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


So on our first day with out any way to possibly watch tv we were sitting around hot and bored. We went out soul winning with our church and then came home. We had lunch, then just sat looking at each other. All the looking put my poor hubby to sleep! lol

I started looking online with our 3 year old (our 1 year old was napping) at some websites. We were laughing and talking but still feeling a little restless. Then I got an idea. I had a bar of Ivory soap that I was planning to use with her to make smaller soaps. So I figured why not now! I've found that crafts are best done during nap time. So instead of sitting and wishing we had something to do we made 4th of July soap balls for Grandma! It was a great bonding experience with my quickly growing little girl.

Here's what we did:

First I shredded up the bar of soap

Then I mixed water and red food coloring

water and blue food coloring

Then we put a little water over the soap pieces
and smushed them together

After some rolling and shaping
we ended up with soap balls like this one

These are the balls we're giving away