
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

An Update With Pictures!

These last two weeks have been very busy and exciting. Of course the week of the 4th of July we were busy with family at cookouts and fireworks. We had a fun week, although our oldest came down with a nasty stomach bug that had me pretty worried about her. But God is good and she's doing just fine.

Here are some photos from our time at the beach on the 3rd of July. It was so much fun! We generally don't go to the beach because of modesty issues but my dad has a friend who has private access to a local beach pretty much in his backyard! So every year we look forward to going over there so we can hang out at the beach for a little. Unfortunately it was kind of cool and low tide so we didn't go swimming. 

I made that cover up for my munchkin and she loved it!
awwww lol

Our 3 year old took this picture!
Future photographer maybe?? :o)

Happy Independence Day!

After all the celebrating and fun festivities were over it was time to get busy. My husband and I recently volunteered to help out with the teen nights at our church. It was an awesome experience the first time, I just fell in love with the girls, and decided this was something I definitely wanted to be a part of. They are so sweet and a lot of fun to hang out with. We meet with them once a month and were asked to speak with them this month. It was such a blessing and I spoke with the girls about how God loves us. :o)

The following week we jumped right in to help out with Neighborhood Vacation Bible Time. Usually we have Vacation Bible School at the church but this year it was decided to take Bible time to the kids! So we went to local parks and set up shop! It was AWESOME. We had two different sessions one in the morning in one town., and then another in a different town in the afternoon. We had a total of 86 kids between both sessions and we had 21 kids accept Jesus as their Savior! It was really a great experience, God really showed up. There was a school camp starting at the same time and we were nervous because we thought they might want us to leave. But instead they brought kids over to us! All of the days we were there different kids stopped by. Even if they didn't stay to participate in the program they were at least able to hear the Gospel! 

Arts and Crafts

Bible Time

Closing assembly

Nothing beats serving God! We were tired at the end of the day but the joy we had from serving others and doing the Lord's work is indescribable. 

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. -Matthew 9:37-38

I'm linking up with Women Living Well

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad your daughter is feeling better, it's rough when they are sick! :(
    Thanks for the post!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24