
Thursday, November 1, 2012

My New Find And A Discount Code

I want to share an awesome company with you that I recently had the pleasure of ordering from. CPT Worldwide! They are an online retailer of fertility products, books, ovulation  tests, and pregnancy tests. But even better than providing extremely affordable products, they are a Christian pro-Life company! 

I was selected to review some pregnancy tests for CPT and share my honest opinion with you all. Obviously I have to be in a certain "condition" to actually use the tests, so I'll have to hold off on letting you know the results of them.   :o)

But let's talk about their customer service. I found them to be prompt, and very caring. I had an issue arise after I agreed to review the products and they were VERY understanding and even took the time to offer me some encouragement! Totally not something I was expecting, and such a blessing. It's nice to know that you're not "just another customer" and that if you need them they're there to help. Also the shipping was very quick, which is a blessing to anyone trying to conceive! 

The products themselves I found to be true to the pictures found on their site and came discreetly packaged. Each test came individually sealed and also had directions, same as if you were to buy them boxed from the store. Only the price is way better! you can get the test strips (the ones that you dip in the "test fluid") for $.30, The cassette test (the ones you use a dropper, which is included, to put the "test fluid" in the testing window) are $.80, and the midstream tests (the ones you most commonly find in stores) are $1.65. These prices are awesome, especially if you get a little test happy like me. Plus they offer free shipping on orders over $14.99!

Ok, so I hope you didn't think I shared all of this with just to brag on my new find. I've got something for you too! CPT Worldwide is giving a 15% discount to all Herein is Love readers! Simply use the code HEREIN between now an November 30th, 2012! How awesomely generous is that? So what are you waiting for, go check out their site and see all the awesome fertility goodies they have available! 

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. -Psalm 127:3


1 comment:

  1. "Test fluid" made me giggle. Sigh, is that immature? I tried to get my husband to let me order a truck load from them one time. He said no. He just doesn't understand how test happy women are. Looking forward to reading a review on the tests!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24