
Friday, December 21, 2012

Preparation Day

I can't believe it's been over a year since I've written a preparation day post! Wow. I guess that's just a reflection on how we've been living. We've gone back and forth over the Sabbath issue so many times. While we know the truth of the Sabbath it can often be hard to walk it out, especially alone. 

2012 has been a really difficult year for my family. Lot's of changes and upheavals have happened. But through it all Adonai has been nothing but faithful to us. We've purposed to end this year on a much better note and to head into 2013 with a renewed devotion to our Elohim. For me that means lot's of readjusting our diets (so that we are taking care of our temples), getting back into studying Hebrew, and reaffirming commitments that I've made to YHVH. For my family it means walking in the ways of Adonai, no matter how difficult it may be. 

Recently my husband and I watched Identity Crisis again (if you haven't seen this teaching I highly recommend it) and this time around something clicked for him. It was like the things that we've known for awhile took on new meaning for him. So now I've got a man on a mission, on my hands. :o)

How this will look in the coming months is unclear, but I trust that my Abba has a plan for my family. I do however know the first step that we must take is getting back to keeping the Sabbath! Shabbat was always a favorite of mine and I'm so excited to begin keeping it again. We will still be attending our church on Sundays, for the reasons found in this post. Only difference now is that my husband is able to be home for Shabbat and we're able to truly set aside this time for our Elohim. 

Well enough with all the heavy stuff, want to see my menu?!?

Dinner: Moroccan Chraimi Fish with roasted potatoes and corn 
Breakfast: Homemade Bagels, Cinnamon Rolls 
Lunch: Tuna Salad 
Plus: Challah, Pumpkin Challah, and Pumpkin cookies (if I get to them)

I am going to be busy, busy, busy but I'm super thankful my hubby has agreed to tackle most of the cleaning, so that I'm able to get everything done. 

May you have a blessed Erev Shabbat (Sabbath eve/preparation day), as you prepare to usher in the shalom of YHVH this Shabbat. 

Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.- Exodus 31:13

Shabbat Shalom!


  1. Oh Tewauna!

    That is wonderful news!

    I'm so happy for you and your family :)

    This must be an exciting time. Some major changes have occured within my own family. I'll tell you about them via e-mail.

    Lina (hisotherhalf613[AT]gmail[dot]com

  2. That is wonderful! I am happy to read your blog posts & that its showing up in my feed at my site yay!


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