
Monday, March 4, 2013

Life Update

There really hasn't been too much going on, which is why the blog has been kind of quiet. But I thought I'd update you all on what has been going on. 

~We found out what's wrong with our truck. The engine is blown! So now we're on the hunt for a new vehicle. Hopefully YHVH will lead us to the right one soon. 

~I've learned A LOT lately about herbs/oils and I  feel confident in treating issues that come up in my family. I'm looking forward to making a purchase from very soon. 

~My new bible came! I'm super excited about this, and it actually came in time for Shabbat. The 90 day plan has been going well. I'm actually a few days ahead because I just couldn't stop reading! Adonai has revived my hunger for His Word and even reading 10-15 chapters doesn't seem enough. I am thoroughly enjoying this time. There's also a great group of ladies reading together on facebook. Having accountability helps a lot, if you're interested in joining the FB group let me know. 

~We're trying to cut out tv again. We noticed the girls have been watching WAY too much tv lately so I'm trying to come up with more things for them to do during the day so that they won't be asking for tv.  It's kind of crazy how addicted they get to it! 

~I've decided to start preparing to be a doula (again). After I had our first daughter I began training to be a doula. Shortly after I realized I wasn't in a position to drop everything and attend births, so I stopped learning. But lately that passion has been rekindled and with my husband's blessing I'm going to be studying again. I haven't decided if I'm going to get certified or not, but if I do I'll be going through a different program than the one I originally started with. Right now I'm aiming to just be a consultant for both birth and postpartum. But in the future I'd like to attend births. I'm also hoping to include herbal advice in my services. I know this won't be happening for awhile but I'm just happy to be pursuing something I love. Pregnancy and birth are two things that get me very excited. I look at it as being used by Elohim for creation! Everyday during pregnancy and birth a woman's body is preforming a miracle, it's really such a blessing! If you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant and want to help me practice, I'd love to chat :o) you can email me at hereinislove {at} gmail {dot} com, or by just clicking the envelope button on the upper right side of the blog.  

Well that's all that's happening around here. It's not much but everyday is truly a blessing. 

    It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23

*this post contains affiliate links


  1. I want to be a doula too!!! But like you said, I'm not in a position to drop everything to attend a birth. I'm hoping to pursue certification when my children are grown. I figure by then I'll have tons of experience, lol ;) Until then I plan on "certifying" myself with knowledge via books, internet, etc. You're an entrepreneur :)

  2. If only you lived closer! My sister would love to have a doula for her birth in a month. The woman she hoped to have has a four month old and it just isn't happening. Enjoy all the wonderful study!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24