
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do and Be

I find myself often thinking of the things I'd like to do and be. I'd like to volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center. Because my life story isn't much different than theirs. Only, I went from a sinner dead in my sins, to a sinner saved by grace. I can tell them of the pit that Yeshua lifted me from and the love He has for them.

 I'd like to write a book. I could fill volumes on my life, and the pains I've seen. Or I could write about all the things that I sought to mask my inner hurts. Until finally finding the Redeemer of my Soul.

I'd love to be a doula. Because every miracle starts with birth. To be able to hold a mother's hand as she prepares to take part in the only way Elohim created for more Adams and Eves to enter the world. It's like a little piece of heaven on earth.

 But when I get lost in my dreams of doing and being I have to remind myself that I am doing and being exactly what Elohim has called me to. That outside of this role I'm in rebellion to my Creator. He has blessed me with a husband and children, and if He has blessed you also then this is where your miracle starts.

 So mother, be and do motherhood. It's not the end of your story but the beginning. With the birth of your first child your life is forever changed and the doing and being will not stop. It may look different than in your dreams. But that's because it's better than anything you could of ever imagined. The days are hard, and the nights are long. But when your children rise up and call you blessed, you'll be glad that you invested the time to do and be a mother.


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