
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Chanukkah Giveaway! {CLOSED}

The winner is..... Moriah M. congrats! 

I am so excited to be getting to offer you all a giveaway from the lovely Peaches and Cream Studio!

I met the owner, Victoria, this year during Pesach and got to spend time fellowshipping with her lovely family. So when she told me about this giveaway offer, I was thrilled! She has graciously offered to send one of you a set of 8 Chanukkah art prints! 

I wanted you to get to know Victoria a little so I asked her to share about her shop, and how she got started.

"For years my family and friends have told me that I needed to start an Etsy shop, and in 2013 it finally became a reality! Growing up, I was constantly drawing- whether it was at an easel next to my artist sister or doodling in my textbooks (oops!). My grandmother taught me how to use her sewing machine when I was 8, and whenever I wasn't drawing I would be sewing any textiles I could get my hands on! 
As a seamstress and artist, my designs for my Etsy shop are always derived from faith and family, but they are also influenced by my experience in Israel in 2014. Although I am not Jewish, I fell in love with the culture + traditions, as well as the rich and vibrant diversity. 
The story of my art prints came about one day as I was browsing Etsy for Messianic/Jewish artwork. I was disappointed by what I found- much of what I saw was rather chaotic, with unappealing color palates and steep price tags. I was looking for something clean but bold, chic but still in touch with tradition. I wanted something to hang on my walls that put a sparkle into an age-old way of life, something that would bring a new dimension to timeless heritage. 
I didn't find what I was looking for, so I decided that I would just have to create my own! I'm excited to share my work with the Etsy community, and I hope it fills a need that I saw was lacking. I keep my prices affordable for everyone, because I'm a bargain-hunter at heart myself. All my prints are printed on sturdy cardstock and ready to be put into frames as soon as they arrive in your mailbox!"
 These are the prints being offered, aren't they great!?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Our annual Chanukah costume party is our favorite tradition, although we're just having a plain ole party this year. :)

  2. My favorite tradition is lighting the Chanukah lights. It reminds me that we are to keep our fires burning for YHWH. My second favorite tradition is making donuts... because they are so good! lol

  3. My favorite print is the Star of David Shine and "A Miracle happened There".

  4. Lighting the menorah and reading the story of the Maccabees.

  5. The "Boker Tov" and "Laila Tov" prints are cute!

  6. We are new to this so our favorite part is lighting of the candles!

  7. My favorite print is the one with the Star of David and the Hebrew letters. But my hubby would love the deer head!


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24