
About Me

Thank you so much for stopping by! My given name is Tewauna, but my Hebrew name is Chana.  I am a sinner saved by grace, wife, and mother. I started blogging sort of just to journal about my journey. I was newly saved and expecting BIG things from my Heavenly Father! Well He has come through a million times over. I've been blessed beyond measure and I pray that you will be blessed by your time reading here. I don't have it all figured out but I'm going where the Spirit leads.

I love being a wife and mother. I take to heart Genesis 2:18 and seek to truly become a help meet for my husband. I'm also really interested in natural health and healing. So you can expect to see posts with remedies, recipes, and pretty much anything related to herbs, oils, or health. I believe that the Almighty has given us everything we need to take care of ourselves. So natural health is an integral part of my faith.

As I share what the Lord is showing me, I pray that you will be encouraged and inspired to cling to Him, and seek out His will for your life.



  1. Hi Tewauna!
    I found you on blogfrog and was excited to find another Christian Sister. So I decided to come and follow you here too. I trust all is well with you, have a super blessed day!

  2. Hello Tewauna,
    I was so happy to find you blog! I'm beginning to study about our Jewish heritage but I just don't know where to begin. I've been reading the old testament and find so many things in there that we should be doing but don't like the Biblical feasts and honoring true sabbath. If you could email me with any advice that would be truely appreciated!


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24