
Friday, February 12, 2010

It's been awhile

So I've been a way for awhile because I've had writer's block. I just haven't had a clue of what to write about(I still don't as I write this but I'm allowing the Lord to lead me)

I'll start with what's been going on with me. I've gotten back on track with getting my doula certification! I called and I'm going to be able to attend the workshop I need at a discounted rate! Praise GOD! I didn't think I would be able to get my certification, but now all I have to do is get all my reading done and attend the workshop before I can attend births! I am very excited!

I've also been working on getting our master schedule fixed to actually go along with our routine and to make sure that I get everything done. I've been attempting to fix my homemakers binder so that it actually helps with where we are now. It wasn't exactly designed to help with us not living in the same place, but, I'm almost there.

Another big thing is that we've been looking for a place (for S/O right now and me after marriage). We've seen some TERRIBLE places but we did find one we really liked and we'll see how that goes. This has led to us having a VERY scaled down Valentine's day. Nothing big at all. It's looking like we'll have lunch and S/O will be going in to work to try to get some extra money and I will be going to church. I'm glad I'll get to go to church but I wish he was going with me.

All of these different things going on only remind me that none of it could be possible with out GOD. I need Him in my life, with out him I'd be nothing but a sinner. There are times when I want to do things my way but then I am quickly reminded that GOD's way is so much better. He knows my past, present, and future. He knows what is best for me and if I could only learn to ALWAYS trust Him my life would be so much better. I know it won't always be easy. But my goal is to KNOW with everything in me that I can trust GOD, that He alone is all that I need to do, or be, anything. Alone I am weak, but, with GOD I am made strong.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through CHRIST which strengtheneth me."

I thank my Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST for coming to earth for sinners like me!

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