
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love not sleep...

Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread. Proverbs 20:13

The Lord led me to this verse, although, I didn't know I needed it! I was addicted to sleep. I would always try to hang on to the last few minutes, always try to squeeze out just a little bit more shut eye. To the point of running late, and neglecting certain duties. I would pass over cleaning for sleeping. If my daughter was sleeping, I may do a little reading or something and then curl up right next to her and sleep. I could sleep for hours at a time. If I didn't have a child I might sleep away life. I think its a coping mechanism. I'm not 100% happy with my current situation and I think sleeping it away seemed to make it better. But the Lord says, "Love not sleep..." So now what do I do? As a Christian I strive to have a personal walk with God, where His will is my will. I strive to be so submissive to the Lord that He would only have to nod His head and I would know exactly what to do and when. As soon as I saw this verse my first thought was UH-OH!

In the past week or so (prior to reading this verse) I had been to the point of waking up and praying for God to help me get up out of bed, and get on with my day. So I think I might of pushed it a bit and needed something to hit me hard. My current goal is to get up when my alarm clock goes off. With no groaning or fussing. I think it would help if I have things to motivate me so I have a few projects I'm working on.

1.) Bible time with my Daughter
2.) A new skirt (since the other one came out terribly)
3.) My homemakers binder
4.) Cleaning
5.) Organizing
6.) Putting more time in to homeschooling (my daughter is 14 months so I have time)
7.) Child Training

I think all of these areas contribute to my living for the LORD and that they will help me out tremendously in my future role as wife. If I want to be a good keeper of the home I need to let go of sleep and get focused. It's time for me for me to make Philippians 4:11 a part of my life: (Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.)

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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24