
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Getting on the right track

I have a confession. I'm terrible at home keeping. I have an amazingly patient husband who doesn't mind (too much) that some days the dishes pile up or the living room didn't get swept. Our house isn't gross but it can get a little messy. Especially with a two year old running around. But I've been praying on it and with YHVH's help we're developing a schedule that will hopefully help us all get back on track. If we can stick with it we can finally get to bed at a decent hour and have more productive days. 

Today was our first day on the new schedule and the hubs and I stayed up WAY too late so it kind of threw the whole day off. But that's the beauty of a schedule. When you get off track then you just pick up where you should be. So today we were able to still accomplish some of my goals. I got to do a lesson with my oldest about God's love. We made a lady bug out of hearts, sang songs, and read some scriptures. She loved it. 
Here's a sketch of what it was supposed to look like

This one is her's :o)

We're also working on letter recognition. I'm not too big on making her sit still for long periods of time. That only frustrates the both of us. She is only two after all. So in order to help her we put up an alphabet border on the wall. A few times a day I'll pick her up and we sing the ABCs while touching each letter. I'm just hoping it works. 

As for my house.... well I need to do dishes lol. But I'm working on getting it all together and I found this amazing book on amazon called Totally Organized by Bonnie McCullough. She has some really great tips and she suggests implementing them one at a time. So right now I'm working on her Minimum Maintenance routine. Which has you work in the main rooms everyday for five minutes before you do anything else. That way you're not stuck in the cycle of feeling overwhelmed. Which was totally my problem. Now while yes I need to do dishes, my living room is clean and so is my hallway :o)

Hope everyone is well 

1 comment:

  1. I know that "overwhelmed" feeling. For me, it's the laundry that always feels out of control! I wash at least a load or two every day, but I don't always have time to fold the clean clothes. So we end up with this intimidating mountain of laundry in our room. Ah!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24