
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just the Beginning

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" -Philippians 1:6

Sometimes its hard for me to be focused on the present. I always want to get to the end result. But I realized that in thinking that way I miss, not only the laying down of the foundation, but also the beauty of the moment. In my rush to arrive I tend to miss the journey. My husband is so good about living in the moment and often times he has to anchor me to what's happening now. He has to remind me that the Lord has "begun a good work" in me and that He will see it through.

Lately I've been super focused on being being the perfect homemaker. I've been reading books, and other blogs, gathering all these different tips that I try to put into practice. I must admit I've improved quite a bit. I even got some BEAUTIFUL African violets because of all my hard work {thanks love}. But then I started to get a little discouraged. Because despite all my hard work I'm still not where I wanted to be. I'm not meeting my standard of perfection. But I'm still learning and growing in the Lord and I know that through prayer and dedication I will get there. Not just because it's what I want, but because being a help meet is what I was made for and YHVH always finishes what He starts.

Love and Blessings

I'm linking up!


  1. Thanks for the comment. Have you read Radical by David Platt? It's a hard read that will make you highly uncomfortable, but it will rock your world!!!

  2. As much as you feel you have to be perfect homemaker and live up to the standard's of other bloggers what I have learned most is to let God guide you and be who he wants you to be. I used to fall into the trap of thinking I had to measure up to others with the way I dressed, the movies I watched, etc and I was never happy because I constantly felt I was never good enough. I now have let all of that go and I let God guide me and I realized how he is guiding me may not look like the next person, but I am okay with that and have found peace in being me and not trying to fit the mold so to speak.


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24