
Friday, August 26, 2011

Preparation Day!

Today has been a busy preparation day as usual. But not too much cleaning! Just a lot of baking. I'm making challah, baked fish for dinner tonight, cinnamon buns for breakfast, and vegan Jamaican beef patties for lunch tomorrow. My kitchen is HOT. But I'm excited. I love the smells of Erev Shabbat. It makes my house smell like a home to me. I can't wait for my hubby to get home and find out that I made him some patties. He loves vegan beef patties and I have never made them before so I know he'll be very happy. Our anniversary is on Sunday so I'm hoping to make this whole weekend special despite the hurricane heading our way! If you think of us please just keep us in your prayers that we won't get blown away in the storm.

I pray that you all have a a wonderful Sabbath.

Shabbat Shalom,

1 comment:

  1. Good day. Like you picture. Will be posting in on facebook, if you don't mind.

    What is your religion? Are you in Jamaica?


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24