
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A year ago today.....

A year ago today I legally gave my heart to my beloved husband. I say legally because he's had my heart long before then. We made promises to each other in the past, but this one is documented!

We got married at our church in a small ceremony. And I really do mean small. It was our pastor, his wife, and four of their children. Our then 1 1/2 year old daughter was our flower girl. My family was away and hubby's family lives out of state.

We initially had a big wedding planned, but then I got pregnant. Obviously we were struggling with not being married so we decided it was probably not best to keep waiting.

Sometimes I wish we had an amazing courtship story of being pure and saving our first kiss for our wedding. But we don't. I just pray our children will learn from our mistakes and not make the same ones.

This first year of marriage has had its ups and downs. We've definitely had to spend a lot of time getting used to actually being married. Plus having two children. We certainly didn't do any of this the easy way.

Nonetheless I am extremely thankful for my husband and excited for the future that's ahead of us. He brightens my life and is the secret behind my smile. I pray that this next year we are able to draw closer to each other by drawing closer to YHVH.

We don't have any exciting plans. We're actually under a hurricane AND a tornado watch. We are one of the many families on the East Coast in the path of Irene. If you are also please know you are in our prayers.

We did plan to renew our vows and sign a nice pretty ketubah (that we designed) but with the impending storm I'm not sure if we'll make it to church. (We still have no car, so it all depends on if someone can pick us up)

As for now our plans are just to make it through the storm. But at least we'll be together :o)


  1. Congratulations! I hope you and your husband enjoy many more beautiful years of marriage :)

    I can't wait until that's Anthony and I in the pic ;D

  2. Oh Congratulations! :)


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24