
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

TBOC: Marriage First

Before I get into this post I have to just say it... I'm not an expert. I've been married for less than two years and we didn't always do things the right way. But I've had some really great women come into my life who have been married for 20+ years. My grandparents have been married for 60 years, my parents have been married for 27 years, and my husbands parents have been married for 20+ years. So while I don't have tons of advice from experience, I do have lots of great advice that has been handed down to me.

But even more than that I have the Word of God! Everything that we need to know about anything, including marriage, is there "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" -2 Timothy 3:16. 

I think the thing that has been stressed the most, is that your spouse is the most important person in your life. They come before the children. Now I know some people will have all kinds of reasons for why that doesn't make sense. But in a healthy God fearing relationship this should be the priority. After all it's the love that is shared between you and your husband that brought your children here in the first place. When the children are grown and out of the house all that will be left is you and your hubby. How sad would it be if your relationship suffered all that time, and now you're left alone with a failing relationship? 

This is why it's so important to have a date night and make time to spend with your husband. I know that it's not always possible to go out on a date. We actually don't go out that much. But every night we put the girls to bed and then have our time together. We read the Bible, or we do a devotional together, and we use that time to connect. On the weekends we stay up late and watch movies. Sometimes we stay up way too late and then feel awful in the morning lol, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything. If a husband and wife's relationship is not right nothing in the home will be right. 

I've heard it said so many times that the closer a husband and wife draw to God the closer they will become. I believe this to be very true, and have witnessed it's affects in my own relationship. When we learn how to love from the source of love how much better will our relationship be?

Another great piece of advice I've received is to pray for your spouse DAILY. Pray about their day, their heart, or their desires, whatever you know they need prayer for. Don't just send up a prayer flare, like "help him have a good day". Really spend time in prayer for your spouse. Pray for God's will in their life, pray for their hearts to be softened so they can be prepared for what God asks of them. Pray for them specifically and don't hold back. I saw this quote from The Power of a Praying Wife, and although I haven't read the book this quote really stood out to me.
 Something amazing happens to our hearts when we pray for another person. The hardness melts. We become able to get beyond the hurts, and forgive. We even end up loving the person we’re praying for. It’s miraculous! It happens because when we pray we enter into the presence of God and He fills us with His Spirit of love. I’ve seen women with no feelings of love for their husbands find that as they prayed, over time, those feelings came. Sometimes they felt differently even after the first heartfelt prayer. -Stormie Omartian, The Power of a Praying Wife
Last year I did a 31 day husband prayer challenge if you'd like to check it out you can go here

I'm linking up with Women Living Well and A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


  1. I completely agree with marriage first. I'm suprised there is really any question in people's minds about this.

  2. I love how you shared this love's so true! I learned it years ago when my husband and I were getting pre-marrriage counseling. I really love the Power of a Praying Wife book, too. It has helped me in my marriage and in praying for my husband. I love books. Do you have any other good marriage book recommendations?

  3. Wonderful post!!! I came over from A wise woman's link up. I total agree with praying for you spouse that has been my biggest help. I love your bookshelf on the bottom it hols a couple of my favorites!

  4. @KM Logan I've run across quite a few people that don't agree with this stance. But so many don't agree with a lot of things that are right :o)

  5. @Kathy I'm glad you liked the triangle, that concept has been a huge blessing to my marriage. I'll make a list of book selections and do a post on it, that way hopefully other can be blessed by it as well.

  6. @Tesha Thanks! Glad you stopped by.


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24