
Monday, April 2, 2012

TBOC: Time in the Word

I'm always reading parenting books, websites, and blogs. One of the most basic and awesome pieces of advice usually given is to spend time in the Word before your children wake up. Love it! Great advice. But I'm not a morning person and my children are very young. Waking up before them sounds like the worst thing in the world. I've tried it, I don't like it. Unless of course they wake up at 12 in the afternoon and I get up at 11. Then that sound like the perfect situation. But when they're waking up in the early morning hours it's not as easy to say ok I'll just get up before them. But we need to have the right foundation laid for ourselves everyday. Time in the Word is so important. But if you're like me and end up falling asleep while trying to read because it's just too early, let me tell you there's another way!

Read after you all get up! Such a simple fix. What I do is get my girls up give them breakfast and then I either go in my room to read or I stay in the living room with them and read. I don't read to them (I do that at lunch) it's just my quiet time with the Lord. I put on music and I pray over my day, over the scripture I'm about to read, and I ask God to show me what he wants me to know. You're still starting your day out in the Word but in a way that works for you. Now if you can get up before your children by all means do so! That quiet time is so important. We can't train our children in the way they should go with out His help. So we need to meet with Him, kind of like a team meeting before the work day starts!

This is what I bring to my meeting:
sorry it's fuzzy it's from my cell phone
I have my Bible, a note pad or notebook, my reading planner, a pen, highlighter, and my kindle. I use the kindle to play music, usually instrumental, it just kind of helps to drown out any noises and get my heart focused on the right things. Although I do keep it low enough that I can hear the girls lol. The planner I got when we visited a new church and I love it! Such a great idea, I use it to record prayer requests and answers to prayer, I even use it to keep track of our personal schedule. I think I'll be using a planner for now on.

Spending time with God is the most important thing for any person seeking to lead a life pleasing to Him. We have to be in His Word DAILY. But it's especially important to parent's who want to raise children who love and serve the Lord. So schedule some time for you to get alone with Him and stick with it even when it's hard. 

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. -Proverbs 8:17

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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24