
Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Week Off and a Sneak Peek

I'm so excited about this memorial day weekend. We have lots planned and are going to be enjoying fellowship with friends and family. Memorial day means a lot to me because my grandfather served in the Korean war and I'm so proud of him for it. He gave up time in his life, away from his family, to serve his country! We owe so much to our service men and women, who fight hard to protect our freedoms. I pray that this memorial day (weekend) you think about more than those hamburgers and hot dogs and reflect on just how much has to be sacrificed to maintain our freedom. 

Since we have so much planned for this weekend I've decided to take the week off. Instead of spending this week writing I will spend it in prayer for the ladies who have signed up to Soak In The Son with me! I'm so excited to be starting and I've decided to give you a little sneak peek at what's going to be going on. :o)

I plan to share with you all encouraging stories of everyday women used mightily by God, issue a prayer challenge, a praise challenge, a picture challenge, and of course we'll be studying the Word of God! For the picture challenge we'll be using a flickr group, so if you've already signed up please send me your email so I can invite you to the group. If you haven't signed up yet, please do and then send me your email. You can sign up on this post, or the original one, or even on facebook. Then check back here on June 1st to kick off the summer time personal revival!

I'm really looking forward to this time and look forward to getting closer to the Lord! If you haven't signed up yet, what are you waiting for? Only good things can come from soaking in the Son! 

P.S. Have you signed up to Soak in the Son with me this summer?

1 comment:

I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24