
Friday, June 1, 2012

Get Ready To Soak In The Son!

Welcome ladies! I think this summer will be very rewarding and draw us so much closer to God. I want you to know that I've been in prayer for you all and I will continue to be as we go on. This first post will serve as an introduction and as motivation.

Every week there will be three challenges that I'm asking for you to complete. There is a prayer challenge, a praise challenge, and a picture challenge. I will also be taking part in these challenges and we can use the comment section to discuss what the Lord is doing for us in these areas.

Ok so let's jump in.

Prayer Challenges: every week I'd like you to pick a day and spend at least 15 minutes in prayer. If you can do it everyday even better but for at least one day take 15 minutes (or more!) and get alone with God. Now prayer isn't just about asking for things, so I'm not saying sit down and rattle off a list of requests to God for 15 minutes. I'm asking you to really TALK to God, engage Him, praise Him. If you think you can't do it for 15 minutes, just start by thanking Him. Thank Him for the little everyday things and built up to larger ones, pray for your children, your husband, your church, your friends, your family, whatever comes to mind.

Praise Challenges: every day (starting today) I'd like you to write down 5 things you are praising God for. Then by the end of the week you will have 35 praises! I know I have weeks were I don't feel like I have 35 praises, but they are there! The point of this challenge is to make you look for them. Like as I'm typing this my 1 year old just tried to swing on the curtains. Well praise God the whole thing didn't fall down on her! I'm not upset with her, she's 1, I'm just happy she didn't get hurt. And of course she had to be instructed not to do it again lol. So everyday FIVE things, write them down, and when you're praying don't for get to tell God about your praises! Once a week we will discuss our praises. You don't have to share all 35 but I'd love to hear some of the things you've notice through out your week. If you blog you could even post your praises once a week!

Photo Challenge: now this one optional but it's very fun! Once a week share a picture of something that shows the greatness of God. It can be anything that you saw through out the week that made you stop and realize how amazing our God is. If there are enough of us taking part in this challenge then I'll set up a weekly linky on Fridays. Then we can all put our pictures in one spot right here on the blog, but either way we have a flickr group! The group is called Soaking In The Son. In order to join the group just send me your email address so I can invite you. I didn't want to make it totally open so that just anyone could post a picture, so I hope having to do it this way isn't too complicated for anyone.

Along with the challenges I'll be posting brief scripture studies, and inspiring stories of ordinary people doing great things for the Lord. It is my prayer that we would all be inspired and do as William Carey said "expect great things from God, attempt great things for God."

Make sure to check back on Monday so we can Soak In The Son together!

If you plan on joining in or share about this on you're blog please use this button:


  1. aw i look forward to this. my blog will be quite for a minimum of 2 weeks since our computer is down but nonetheless i will still participate

  2. So glad that you'll still be able to join in!

  3. Ah! I've been a slacker! Is it too late for me to join in? :)

    1. Nope it's not too late! Happy to have you :o)


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24