
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Free Movie!

If you all remember recently the Moore family made their film Children Are A Blessing free to watch. Well now for the month of June they have so graciously made It Is Your Life: The Moss Family available to watch!

I haven't seen it yet but my hubby and I are planning to watch it very soon!

Here is a excerpt from the Moore family website"
"It Is Your Life: The Moss Family depicts the life of a Christian family who has made counter-cultural, yet distinctly biblical decisions to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  Please take the time to watch this endearing documentary which will inspire and challenge fathers and mothers not to be deceived by the current status quo of pragmatic parenting (doing that which seems to work) but to look to the Bible as the absolute source of all truth as we raise our families.  
In this first film of the It Is Your Life series, get a refreshing glimpse into the daily life of the Mosses, a Christian family training their children in the ways of the Lord.
  • Why they educate their children at home
  • Why Beverly stays home to care for the family
  • How George leads his family in Bible reading and prayer
  • Why they trust God for children after 6 c-sections
  • How God brought them through a time of trial
  • How brothers and sisters can be best friends

Be encouraged and inspired as the Mosses work together, play together, and pray together.  See for yourself how a biblical vision of family life results in a strong family who loves each other and desires to glorify the Lord together.  This is their life..."

P.S. Have you signed up to Soak in the Son with me this summer?

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