
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Keep On Keeping On!

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I can't believe June is almost over! So far this summer we've already had TWO heat waves! But praise God we've had some rain in between.

I want to thank those of you who Soaked In The Son with me! It was a real growing experience for me. Each post that was written was just as much for me as for you and I loved seeing what the Lord was going to do each week. I started this series totally of His leading but now it's time to end it.

July is shaping up to be a very busy month for my family and I'm so excited! There are also some changes happening over here. We had committed to watching less tv, and it's been a huge blessing, but now my husband has decided to cancel the cable all together! I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to use this time to draw our family together. Slowly but surely He is taking away all distractions and I'm loving it!

Do you have any distractions or competing affections keeping you from fully enjoying time with the Lord? If there are you need to get rid of them! It has felt so good to just get alone with the Lord. Sometimes I'll listen to a sermon, sometimes I'll read scripture, and sometimes I just sit quietly and wait on the Lord. He designed us for fellowship with HIM and if we aren't experiencing that, it's not His fault.

Just because this series is over don't stop seeking to soak in the SON! 

Here is a collection of all the posts that were shared I hope they continue to encourage and challenge you to deepen your faith, and love for the Lord:

Get Ready To Soak In The Son
Being Content
Days Of Praise
Picture Day
Focus On Things Above
Praise Him Always
Thanking God In All Things
God ALWAYS Knows Best
Thanks and Praise
Preparing For Rain
Let Your Light Shine
Feel The Love

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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24