
Friday, October 19, 2012

Flat Tire Blessing

You may remember a few months ago when I posted about my hubby starting a new job. Well that didn't work out so well. It was about an hour away and the cost of gas was weighing on us. But we received such a huge blessing out of the time that my hubby worked there. 

We had watched a message given by Gil Bates awhile back where he was talking about how his family didn't make all prayer requests public. I thought that was crazy, but my husband said why not? So we decided at that point to keep some prayer requests just between us and God. One of the requests that we were quietly keeping was our need for new tires. Our tires were in bad shape and it was going to be a huge issue come winter. But we just continued to pray about it quietly as a family. 

One evening when my husband was on his way home from work he got a flat tire. It was a Wednesday so the girls and I were waiting for him to come so we could go to church. While changing the flat my hubby ran into problem after problem. The jack broke and the truck fell and it was just all bad. Then a man stopped to help him, followed by another man. The two men helped him and also told him he needed to get new tires. Once they were all finished my husband gave them Gospel tracts. Actually they weren't just small tracts they were the complete books of John and Romans. Everyone went their separate ways and we didn't make it to church that night. My hubby text our pastor to let him know what was going on, because we pretty much never miss church, and then we had dinner. 

About a week later our pastor text my husband and told him that he needed him to go and get a quote from a local tire shop, because someone wanted to bless us! He wouldn't tell us who, but it didn't matter, we were completely shocked and blown away by what was happening that we just began to thank and praise God. A few more weeks had gone by but nothing had come of the text. After thinking maybe it wasn't going to happen our pastor reminded my hubby of the flat tire incident and told him it was someone who helped. Which led to even more thanks, because it was clear that every step of the way God had orchestrated what was happening. We all know that God is in control, but on those rare occasions that He allows us a glimpse into what He is doing it just makes it that much more real.

It was about a week later that we did in fact get an entire set of new tires, as well as get a broken piece fixed on the truck. Turns out one of the men that helped my husband was a Christian and God had placed it on his heart to do this for my husband. Our church information was on the tract that my husband gave him and so he contacted the church to find out who my husband was. If my husband hadn't of let our pastor know about the flat tire situation, if he hadn't of given the man a tract, if God hadn't of been in control then we'd still have bad tires and not be safe going into the winter. But God knows what we have need of and He takes care of His own. 
And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. -Luke 12:29-31


  1. WOW. WOW I just love this story! Praise GOD! Abba is so good! Its so good to praise His name. He is the perfect provider!

  2. I love it when those kinds of things happen! And kudos to your husband for hanging out the tract, not everyone feels comfortable doing that :)

  3. This is definitely one of my favorite blessings to share about with others! Thank you both for commenting :o)


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