I can't believe another preparation day is here! Time has been flying by! I am going to be busy today, I'm trying out some new recipes :o) but in the mean time I wanted to share a few things with you.
The other day I was cooking dinner and I had an extremely sobering thought... If I died today how would my children remember me? Would they remember me as always being too busy or too demanding?Or would their memories be pleasant ones of playing games and baking pies?
We aren't garaunteed any specific amount of time with our children So it's important to sow godly seeds in them EVERY day. It has to be a constant thing.
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. - 2 Corinthians 9:6
No matter what we're doing we're sowing something. If we spend more time on facebook than reading to our children that's a seed sown. Every action is a choice, and that choice is a seed.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. -Galatians 6:7
Sobering right? I hugged my girls extra tight after Adonai brought this to my mind...
Ok enough heavy stuff I have a gift for you! Awhile back I was listening to a show on Revive Our Hearts, I can't remember who was being interviewed but the woman was talking about how to be a blessed proverbs 31 mother. She used an acrostic for BLESSED that I wrote in my Bible because it was something I didn't want to forget about.
B- Beacon
L- Listener
E- Encourager
S- Seed Sower
S- Self-esteem builder
E- Example setter
D- Diligent
So often we hear about the total package of the P31 woman but not the sole area of motherhood. So I created this free printable for you so you can have a copy of it too! I pray it's as much of a blessing for you as it has been for me.
Shabbat Shalom
Well said dear friend! Also thank you so much for the free printable! I LOVE IT and will print it glady! Also got your store icon in my scroll at the front of my page you will see it in the picture scroll line up at top.
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