
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Teaching Tzedakah

For our family it's vital that we teach our children the importance of helping others. When we were helping the man we met, the children were involved as much as was safe for them. They joined us in praying for him, and we made it a point to not hide what we were doing with him. 

We want to cultivate a servants heart in our girls, so we try to look for opportunities to serve. Sometimes that means giving or raising money, other times it means giving of ourselves. In Judaism the Hebrew word used to describe charitable giving is Tzedakah. Which literally means Righteousness. I like this word for what we are attempting to instill in our children. Because it's more than just giving, it's about doing what is right. We want them to aim for righteousness in everything they do. 

One very practical and easy way that we teach about giving is by having a tzedakah box. This is sort of like a piggy bank, except the money put inside is ONLY for giving away. It's not for savings or to spend on self. In the past we've had different tzedakah boxes that I've made from various things. But the other day I was cleaning up and I noticed I had two containers PERFECT for making small tzedakah boxes! So in our homeschool today we talked about giving and made some tzedakah boxes. 

I've also created this printable for you, so your kids can create their own tzedakah box! Just print it out and let them decorate it. Depending on the type of container you are using you may need to change the layout when you print it. If you do use it I'd love to see pictures of you putting it together. 

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee.- Deuteronomy 16:17



  1. Lovely boxes! Here is a link to our version.
    Such a blessing and challenge to teach our children to see the needs in others and lend a hand.

  2. You are such an amazing lady of God! The Lord has truly blessed your little girls with an excellent example of a godly woman! Love this. Call me silly but how do you pronounce that?

  3. Aw thanks Robin, I'm really nothing special. God is just amazingly good to me! :)

    phonetically it would be Tsed-a-ka, with the a's sounding like apple, but that ts/tz is hard to explain lol..if you said it sedaka it would pretty much sound the same.


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24