
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

90 Days in the Word!

Less than a year ago I posted that I was going to do a 90 day Bible reading plan. But I totally bombed, I only made it half way. I have a friend (who has since gone to be with Elohim) who finished it and inspired me to try again. In addition to that I just ordered a new Bible, so I feel like this is a perfect time to attempt to complete the 90 day plan. I've created a new chart that is easier to read, and corrects some typos from the original. You can find a link to the chart within this post, on the printables page, and in the right sidebar.

I'm planning to start March 1st, but you can start whenever. I know it's going to be challenging but I NEED to do this! My goal is to check in every Monday with how it's going, and if you are reading along I'd love to hear about it! If you blog please use the button provided to share about how your experience is going. We don't have to all be on the same day, so feel free to start whenever is good for you. At the end of 90 days I'll make a button for all of those who finished. 

reading the Scriptures this way allows for us to see things as they happened, and reading so much at one time let's us see connections that are easy to miss as time passes between readings. I learned so much just from doing the first half last year and I'm really excited about actually finishing this year.

I know we're all in different seasons of life, so I also want to share some tips for dealing with challenges that may come up.

For time issues, try reading early or late to help with fitting in time to read. I'm planning to do the bulk of my reading after the girls are in bed. Reading to your children is another great option if you have to read in the day time. 

For burn out, take a break! There are no hard and fast rules that say you MUST finish each days reading that day. The last few days are very light to allow room for making up readings. Plus if you go over a few days it's still a huge accomplishment. 

For lack of motivation, take a day or two and seek YHVH, maybe He wants you to read somewhere else.

I know for me personally that if I can find time to watch tv, go on facebook, and search around online, then I have time to read more of the Word. It's about a 30 minute a day commitment (sometimes a little more) but that same amount of time is easily wasted every day. Why not invest some time in the right place?

I hope you'll consider joining me!

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. -Psalm 119:105



  1. I have a daily reading schedule that includes devotions, Greek, the Bible, and a Christian living book.. I have tried a Bible in 90 days schedule before but always get burned out when I get in to Chronicles.. I love Leviticus, and Exodus is OK too, but Chronicles puts me to sleep every time.. So now I do the Bible in 90 days on audio.. I have the Bible on my iPhone so I listen to the Bible while I'm doing my chores or crocheting.. After about 80 days, I'm though with it and then I start all over.
    It's always playing in the background so the rest of my family hears it too :)


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24