
Friday, March 1, 2013

90 Days in the Word: Day 1

I am so excited! I really believe that this time of fully diving into the Word is going to be awesome. There's a great group of ladies on FB reading along, plus my hubby is also joining in. I'm planning to get most of my reading done at night so my day one has started already. I'm so looking forward to what Abba has in store for me. 

Today's reading is Genesis 1-11, and Job 1-5. As you can see I'm using my kindle. The reason for this is that I ordered a new Bible specifically for this challenge, but my new Bible hasn't arrived yet. I am a serious note taker so my Bible is highlighted and underlined A LOT. But I want this time to be clear of all these things. I'm starting totally fresh.  So until my Bible arrives I'm using my kindle, so I can be free of all my notes and marks. 

Are you ready for your first day? Here are some tips for getting started:

Pray that YHVH will reveal things to you from His Word. 

Have some pens and a highlighter close by.

Use a notebook to keep track of the things that YHVH impresses upon you. 

Keep the chart in an easy to access location (for me that's folded in my Bible).

Pour yourself a cup of tea. :o)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. -Gen 1:1


  1. Is there a place where I can get the reading schedule?

  2. This is an amazing find for me today! I've been looking for a boost in the Word! Baruch HaShem! He always answers our cries! I look forward to keeping up as much as I can and certainly toward reading your posts!~


    Here is the link for the downloadable/printable chart for the 90 day reading plan.


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24