
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Bulk Herb Store Order!

I am so excited about my order! I can't wait to get my herbs organized and start making tinctures and infusions. I have some tutorials and experiments that I'll be posting soon, so be on the look out for those. 

When I first showed my hubby the herbs I wanted  to purchase he was like "hooooold on"! It's not the the herbs were expensive, he's just really good at keeping me on track financially :o)  But once I showed him that I had already spent more than $50 on syrups and tinctures in the past month, he was totally on board. It's so much cheaper to make things yourself. 

All the herbs and accessories you see in the picture cost less than $100! And we're stocked up for a good while. Pretty much any issues that might come up we're prepared for, which was my first goal. Next I want to stock up on things for day to day heath and well being. 

There are SO MANY uses for the herbs I purchased so I'll just name a few:

Comfrey Leaf: anti-inflammatory good for speeding up the healing of wounds, and promotes cell regrowth. 

Dried Elderberries: good for cold, flu, sore throat, fever, constipation, allergies. 

Echinacea: good for acne, ear infection, fever, sore gums, insect bites, stings, eczema, antibiotic, strep throat.

Nettle Leaf: good for burns, eczema, asthma, anemia, high blood pressure, hair loss.

Plantain Leaf: good for eczema, bites, stings, cuts, rashes, tooth ache, poison ivy, constipation, liver issues.   

Yarrow Flower: good for colds, flu, fever, pneumonia, menstruation, chicken pox,  urinary problems, circulation, diarrhea. 

Red Raspberry Leaf: There are so many benefits to this herb that I probably could devote a whole post to it! "It is filled with essential minerals and vitamins like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, E, A and B complex. It also contains easily assimilated calcium and iron." -Bulk Herb Store

Henna Leaf Powder: This herb is for my hair, I will use it as a treatment for strengthening and conditioning. 

As you can see a few of these herbs are for eczema and that is because my youngest has eczema and we're on the hunt to heal her. But enough about me I have something for you!MARCH PROMO CODES!!! These codes are good until March 31st or while supplies last.  

Making Vegetables Book (pre-order) $12.95 (normally $19.95)- MARMVB

Organic Alfalfa $2.94 (normally $4.20) - MARALF

Black Walnut Hull Powder $3.29 (normally $4.70) - MARNUT

Erin's Super Green Drink $10.47 (normally $14.95)- MARGRN

Pomergrante Green Tea  $6.27 (normally $8.95)- MARPOM

Organic Lemon Peel $7.28 (normally $10.40)- MARLEM

Even if you don't want to purchase any of these items stop by the bulk herb store and check out their wide selection. The prices are reasonable and shipping is a flat rate!

Oh and here is a sneak peek of my herb cabinet before it's stocked. Can't wait to show you the after picture!

...and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. -Ezekiel 47:12

*this post contains affiliate links


  1. I think I remember your saying that your youngest is allergic to you may not want to give her the plantain leaf (just to be safe)!

  2. Never mind! I just looked it up, and it's a different "plantain" altogether. Not related to banana at all. :)

  3. lol I thought that initially too Robyn :)

  4. Looks like healthy and fun! Just wanted to report that we were dealing with some skin issues at our house (mostly on her scalp) we have went Gluten-Reduced (not totally free :) ) and her skin is completely different! Maybe during unleaven bread when you aren't eating as much bread you might see some changes too.

    I will look forward to seeing your full stock! We are trying to go more natural here too and I so enjoy learning!


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24