
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Making the Switch to Glass

Awhile ago I mentioned that we were making the switch from plastic storage to glass. But I didn't realize how expensive that could be! So we've started to switch gradually. Since we've had to get a little creative with our switch I thought others might benefit from reading about some of the things we're doing. 

Purchased glassware- So far I have purchased a set of 3 pyrex containers, 7 cups, 4 cups, and 2 cups for $15. I purchased a set of 6 containers from Pampered Chef all 1 cup for $7 because I had a party and earned some credit. I highly recommend doing this. I would of gotten more glassware but I really wanted a pizza stone which I get totally for free. It's probably one of the easiest ways to get glassware for free and it's great quality. 

Cheap glassware- Craig's list is actually a great place to find cheap jars and glass storage. I was kind of surprised at how much was available, if you're looking to buy cheap glassware this is definitely a viable option. Another option is thrift stores, you'd have to search in order to find what you want but that can be half the fun! 

Free glassware- I have been saving the glass from everything I buy! I also have my family saving their glass too. I'm planning to use most of this glass for storing herbs and concoctions. But jars are also great for storing left overs. I actually got my favorite jars this way. They have measurement markers on them so they will definitely be used for making tinctures and infusions. 

I hope some of these tips can help you. Switching to glass is a small step that can help lead to better heath for you and your family. 

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. -3 John 1:2

I'm linking up with Healthy 2day Wednesdays, and Simple Living Thursdays


  1. We have found switching in small steps like that is a great way to do it too! What a blessing on the Pampered Chef :0)

  2. I learned a lesson just the other day though, *be careful and watchful when removing labels from glass jars* (like spaghetti sauce jars) from the store. Whoa buddy. One of mine had a weird gouge/etch cut into it, and it scored my thumb real good. Ouch.

    I love using glass jars in my kitchen. They are particularly helpful when oven-canning dry goods, to kill any critters that could pop up later on. :)

  3. Thanks for the helpful tips! Hope your glass switch over goes well for you and is inexpensive!


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24