
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Messiah Honoring DVDs

I posted earlier about how we like to watch certain preapproved shows but I realized I didn't mention how we acquire them. Well I recently found this great little gem called Christian Cinemas. They offer thousands of faith centered DVDs to purchase or to rent! We signed up for their rental program and are able to screen any of the DVDs we're interested in before we purchase them. We just started using this resource so we haven't seen very many movies yet, but there are SO many to choose from. They have DVDs that range from comedies to documentaries.

Their DVD rentals usually arrive within 3 days of submitting a request and you can keep them for as long as you like. They have different levels to the plan so you can choose to rent one or more DVDs at a time (they are currently offering a free two week trial). You can also purchase DVDs that you already know your family will love.  

In addition we use Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant Video in order to stream things direct. But the amount of faith based movies and shows are very limited.

One of these days I'll post a full list of the movies and shows we've seen but for now I just wanted to tell you about this awesome resource :o)

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes... Psalm 101:3

*post contains affiliate links


  1. When we finally get our own place we're wanting to sign up for this and have a family movie night once a week (using the computer). It seems so much better then Netflex since everything is Christ based...for the most part. I'm sure there's some wolves in sheeps clothing. Thanks for the resource

  2. Oh of course you always have to be sooooo careful, but there are tons of choices and I really like that you can get all the homestead blessing dvds. Plus other documentary type movies. We really like those because then the girls can see other people who love the Lord and live out their faith.

  3. We have Netflix now and I am forever checking the movies on Dove to make sure they are ok. I would like an alternate because Netflix carries a lot of things we don't want to promote. Thanks for posting! And I've been wanting to watch the Homestead Blessing DvD's too.


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24