
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Torah Momma Journal

What did I…

Offer thanks for?
My family. We've been making a lot of changes lately but we're at peace so life is good. Abba has been richly blessing us!

I started the Trim Healthy Mama weight loss plan and it's been going well. I was a little nervous at first but it's actually pretty easy and I don't end a meal feeling hungry.

Struggle with?
Allergies! This week has been so rough for me allergy wise :o(

Teach my children?
We are working on our memory verses and lot's of character building.  My oldest is still learning to read but we're taking the approach right now of me reading to her and just getting her familiar with letter sounds. I've tried so many different things and this is what keeps us both from getting stressed out.

Study and learn?
I've been learning about nutrition and health the most lately. Between the THM plan and my herbal pursuits I haven't really been studying anything else.

Laugh about?
My girls have taken to telling knock knock jokes... enough said lol

Pray about?
Being a good wife, and momma. I really struggle but I know that YHVH knew what He was doing when He gave me this family and in His strength I can be who He has called me to be.

What is this week’s Torah portion and what did I learn from it?
Since I'm doing the 90 day plan I don't read the portions. In my plan this week I started reading about Solomon. So far this week I've read 1 Chron 26-29, 2 Chron 1, 1 Kings 1-4, a bunch of psalms including 119, Song of Solomon, and Proverbs 1-24. So I can't even begin to sum it all up but I will say that I am really loving reading in this order. There is so much that you can only see when you understand why certain things were written. You can understand the way the writer was thinking because you know what they were going through. It's awesome.


I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. -3 John 1:4


If you're interested in linking up with TMJ go to Torah Family Living

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet little ladies! We've been learning alot about health here, too. :)


I love reading your comments.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24