
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I can not believe it is May already! The year is going by so fast. We've been pretty busy around here as my hubby has been back at work for a month.

In the last few weeks the weather has really started to warm up and we've gotten to get out and enjoy creation. This past weekend we went hiking, and then yesterday we went to feed the ducks and saw a swan!

Our hiking trip was rather impromptu. We were hoping to go see a local waterfall but then when we got there we realized we'd have to hike to find it! We never found the waterfall, but we had fun and we'll be going back to hunt for the waterfall again.

Can you see my hubby sitting out there???
Our 4 year old took this picture :o)

Then yesterday I had some errands to run and the girls were being so well behaved I decided to stop at a local spot that is know for having ducks.
We were blessed by the special treat of also getting to see a swan! The girls were so excited. 
We would've had even more fun, but I got scared of a goose that seemed like he might not like that we were feeding the ducks and not him! lol
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven... -Ecclesiastes 3:1



  1. O wow! Sounds like yall have been having a lot of fun! Your 4 year old did a great job on the photo! And I see you're hiking in a skirt! That's proof you can do pretty much everything in a skirt......I just love to point that out since it disproves the "I need pants to do ____insert here_____"

  2. hahaha yes I hear that a lot. I think it's possible to do everything in a skirt and stay modest. If my skirt may go up then I throw some leggings underneath ;o)


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24