
Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm THMing it {plus a cheat sheet!}

I mentioned in this weeks Torah Momma Journal that I was starting Trim Healthy Mama and I figured I might as well do an official post for it. It'll be nice to track my progress and I'm sure there are others that this could help. I was hesitant to post a before picture, but I must if I want this to be beneficial soooo we'll get to that eventually lol.

I started the plan on Shabbat (4-13-13) so I'm currently 5 days in. I've seen some amazing success stories and am really motivated to make this work. The program is so much more than another fad diet. It really teaches you about nutrition and how to eat for optimal health. This book is great if you need to loose weight, gain weight, maintain weight, get healthy, or stay healthy. I didn't realize how much havoc I was wreaking on my body, until reading it! Diabetes runs in my family and a I was putting myself at risk for developing it unknowingly. So this book truly is a blessing for me!

I don't want to over load you with information, but I want you to get a feel for the what the plan is. Pretty much it's a low glycemic plan, that helps you understand how your body reacts to food. The book is kind of long (650 pages!) but it's really light hearted and fun. It's like sitting down with the sisters who wrote the book (Serene and Pearl), while they explain how to implement the plan.

Once you get the hang of how you should be eating it's actually really simple to navigate and there are TONS of recipes to get you going. So you're not left floundering in the wilderness trying to figure out what to eat. It's not a shed 30lbs in a month type of plan, so if you're in a hurry to loose weight you might need to readjust your thinking. This is a steady, HEATHY, approach to weight management that you can do happily for the rest of your life.

I think my favorite part about the plan is that I never leave a meal feeling hungry! Plus I get to have dessert when ever I want; and I mean good deserts, like ice cream and cake! It's not about deprivation, but about balance.

Ok well enough of me gushing over this awesome book! Here is my before picture and a link to my cheat sheet! Print it out and put it some place handy, like the fridge :o)

If you want to learn even more you can buy the book, like the facebook fan page, join the facebook group, or join the forum!

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Set-apart Spirit which is in you, which ye have of Elohim, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify Elohim in your body, and in your spirit, which are Elohim's. -1 Corinthians 6:19-20



  1. You go, girl! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you. I'd like to read their book, too. Could you explain the cheat sheet?

  2. Hi Tewauna!
    I'm in the THM facebook group with you and came to your blog to get the cheat sheet for my fridge. I am so excited to see that you observe Shabbat and have the Shema at the top of your page! So nice to meet someone in the group who is like-minded! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Jean - sorry I don't have any of those IDs.


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Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. -Proverbs 16:24