Well it's sure been a while! Life has just been a little busy for me right now. I usually find time to blog in the mists of it all but this past week I've just been really focused on a few different things, including spring cleaning. I'm not so good at this homemaker thing and I've really been trying hard which resulted in less computer time. I'm just extremely thankful for a patient and loving husband.
I've also been working on taking care of myself. I've really found that I invest everything into the rest of my family and not enough time in to myself. I'm not talking about for Bible time or for studying but just for relaxing, or making myself feel pretty. So my new thing is... my nails :o) I have to be the world's biggest nail biter lol. But not anymore I'm turning over a new leaf. I find that when my nails are done I don't bite as much. So I got myself a nice little nail kit and some fun spring colors. Hubs is thrilled because he prefers me with my nails longer, or at least there lol.
I've also taken on a new hobby to help my family save money. Couponing. But not your grandma's couponing I'm talking EXTREME COUPONING! And I am oh so excited. Since some of you may not be familiar with the idea of extreme couponing I'm including a video :o). Since I've been doing this every grocery trip has resulted in us saving 50% or more on our entire grocery bill. I'm hoping to cut it down even more.
The funny thing is I was praying for YHVH to send me a job opportunity that wouldn't take me out of the home. I was praying that He would open up my eyes and present me with an opportunity that would really help us financially. Then I found out that its possible to get the things we need for our home close to free and that is was entirely possible for me to learn how. I'm constantly amazed at the faithfulness of HaShem and how much He helps. And how often that help comes in the most unexpected ways. I though it would be best if I brought in extra money but He thinks it best if I save us money. Interesting. I'm glad He knows better than I do! Hope all is well with all of you out there!